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[1016] By:Sumomo

Date:2005年04月08日 (金) 11時31分

My friend woke up from her coma finally!!!


Date:2005年04月10日 (日) 04時38分
OMG! That's so good to hear!!! :D


Date:2005年04月11日 (月) 06時48分
yay!!!!!!! thats good i did pray for her like u asked ^^

[1015] By:Kirika

Date:2005年04月08日 (金) 06時42分


[1011] By:thelastmushroom

Date:2005年04月04日 (月) 13時57分

Hey! I hate bugging you all about this, but it really bugs me. Does your URL stay in the "Your own icon URL" box? Because mine doesn't, so I have to redo it everytime. I was just wondering if this was happening to everyone or if my computer is being a spaz.
Sorry again for bringing this up. . . I just have never gotten an answer.


Date:2005年04月05日 (火) 22時37分

Well, mine stays. I think it has something to do with your browser's cookies settings.

I *think* you have to enable saving cookies onto your computer so that the URL stays there.

Does your other info (name, email, etc) stay? Or do you have to type them all over again too?

[1004]hi By:Ayame_Chan

Date:2005年04月02日 (土) 13時56分

Im a big fan of YYH and no offense to those who like Yaoi, but HIEI AND KURAMA ARN'T GAY!!


Date:2005年04月03日 (日) 02時45分
no they are not gay!they act more like brothers!!!If that was the case then kuwabara and yusuke are gay!And kurama dose have a girl friend in the sieries but you don't gte to see her until later on in the siries.Yeesh.


Date:2005年04月03日 (日) 23時50分
Of course they aren't gay =) If they were gay then I know a lot of sad sad fangirl would get very disappointed*cough* like me *cough*


Date:2005年04月04日 (月) 07時52分
I LIKE THAT PAIRING!!! hehe, im obbsessed w/that pairing, also i like the kurama and yuusuke pairing, and the kurama and kuronue ( XD!! kuro is hot!!) and a bunch of other yaoi pairings, my comp is loaded w/lemons of KxH hahahaha!!
i think i showed u one didnt i rose? o well, i still like the me and kurama pairing XD!!


Date:2005年04月04日 (月) 07時53分
i do know that theyre not gay tho, but i still like it XD gomen im a bit of a perv in anime, but not in real life hehe


Date:2005年04月05日 (火) 21時24分
*twitch* Yes, I was honored enough to read one of KarasuXKurama lemon >.O My eyes still hurt from that. Good lord, I didn't even know men could do that to each other >.<


Date:2005年04月05日 (火) 22時38分
*patpats Rose-san* c_C;
There are many things that we don't know .....
and we don't want to know. O_O;;

Who says fangirls aren't a scary bunch? *o*


Date:2005年04月11日 (月) 06時43分
hehehehehe........theres also a yomi x kurama x kuronue one u wanna see it? XD jkjk!!!!
-.- ok....this topic's gettin old....all im gonna say is , yes kurama is not gay, but that aint gonna get rid of the thousands of girls (and boys, im not kidden!) that love that pairing, besides, kurama IS a youko, and if any of you read that traditional descriptions of them in mythology, they tend to be very sexual, to both genders, so basically, they tend to be bi.....its the truth, wheather you like it or not.

[1003]My friend... By:Sumomo

Date:2005年04月02日 (土) 08時54分

One of my friend on theotaku is very sick her name is jennifer fell into a coma today.Shes not expected to live.please pray for her and hope she gets better if you want to vist her site look up jennifer92 on theotaku.Please pray for her!!


Date:2005年04月04日 (月) 07時50分
Oh no! ok ill pray for her, although i didn't go to church today, but ill still do so anyway!!


Date:2005年04月04日 (月) 13時51分
Oh! Sumomo chan! I'm so sorry! That is awful. I'm not a religious person. . . so I'll just send her my love and hope and strength and hope that it reaches her.

[1002]Amazing site! By:Stephanie

Date:2005年04月01日 (金) 12時54分

I thought your site was very good. I love Kurama as well, although maybe not as deeply as you do (I just started reading the Yuyu Hakusho manga and watching the anime recently.) The thing you wrote on your love for Kurama was beautiful. I completely understand loving a character who is not real (if anyone has ever read the Black Jewels Trilogy, Daemon is amazing!) Very nice picture galleries as well!

[1001]jhdfksajdkjfas By:Jay

Date:2005年03月30日 (水) 11時10分

kitsune's bi! ^^

[1000]Happy Easter By:Kirika

Date:2005年03月27日 (日) 23時55分


[999] By:kirika

Date:2005年03月24日 (木) 23時05分


[998]Not a real one... By:Reiko Elentari de Hiwatari (Shuii - Chan)

Date:2005年03月24日 (木) 12時08分

Hey...I get in your page by an accident... but I don't think it was a lose of time... YOUR SITE IS GREAT! I really love it! IF you let me said something...Your comment about your love for Kurama is... how can I said it? Is just exactly what I feel for Kai! (Beyblade)...It almost makes me cry...INresume... you are a kind, bit crazy girl... like me ^^ I glad and pleased to read the work of someone who really know what is she doing!
Continue like that!
(If you want.. mail me ^^ I'll be very pleased ^O^)
P.D: Sorry if this "letter" Is not well written..but... I'm from Mexico and speak Spanish...-////////- SORRY!


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