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[997]Forum/ site info update..... By:Kitsune

Date:2005年03月23日 (水) 09時33分

ok, before ana said that the link i gave u didnt work, try this one:
and if anyone wants to join the forum please do so!!

just copy the above link and paste it into ur address bar, i look forward to seein u guys there

[996] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年03月23日 (水) 09時26分

thanks rose-chan ^^ i feel better now, i guess i was just tired that day...

[994] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年03月22日 (火) 12時31分

oh this weekend sucked, on sat night my mom came home early from work, and i wondered why... turns out she had an ultrasound and the baby that she was pregnate w/ is dead...had fluid in its brain and the pressure killed it....i was cryin in church the next morining.....i guess i did want another sibling.....o well, better it die now then live life as a retard or have some uncurable condition or somethin.....life goes on ne? ill get over it, i just needed to say this to someone...


Date:2005年03月22日 (火) 13時26分
*hug Kitsune-chan* Aww...poor you. I know what that feel like. My suppose "brother" who were suppose to be born about 4 years ago died when he was still in my mom's stomach. Yes, so that is quite a sad experience.

[992] By:thelastmushroom

Date:2005年03月21日 (月) 08時41分

Hey, my icon's URL always disappears. So I have to re-copy and paste it every time. Is there anyway to make it stay?

[990] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年03月20日 (日) 11時11分

hey rose-chan, why dont u just tell everyone ur website?! o yeah, i have a question, could i post ur story on my site? ^^' its really good lol


Date:2005年03月21日 (月) 08時35分
Sure, Kitsune-chan. ^^ And guess what, EFD is finally complete, ask Ana or Sumomo and they'll give it to you.


^^ There is my ff.net account if anyone is interested in my fic

[988] By:Kirika

Date:2005年03月20日 (日) 09時26分

i wana read it plzzz

[985] By:Rose

Date:2005年03月17日 (木) 23時17分

Every Fangirls' Dream? << The fanfic that I sent you a long time ago?? Remember remember??


Date:2005年03月18日 (金) 11時02分
yo rose send it ove this way please I want to read it!!! I want to see your wonderful writing!!! ^.^


Date:2005年03月18日 (金) 12時23分
wonderful? *blush* Ah well ^_^ Hehe, I'll send it and let you judge it then lol


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