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[1183]HI! By:obsessedKura-fan

Date:2005年12月05日 (月) 05時48分

This is a really awsome site, Kurama's my favorite main yuyu guy! So I'm still TRYING to figure out WHY stupid idiots do Kurama X hiei and Yoko X Kuroune or Hiei. WHAT'SUPWITHTHAT?!

[1182]Hello!! ^.^ By:Thelastmushroom

Date:2005年11月30日 (水) 07時19分

It's really been forever since I stopped by here! Sorry I haven't been here. ^.^

[1181]KURAMA! By:A Fan of Kurama

Date:2005年11月24日 (木) 13時32分

Hey, your site rocks! I luv it all! :) Well, I'm weird too so yeah... Yeah, Kurama roxs out loud. ^__^ I luv your site!!! Great job on it!

[1180]please update By:visitor

Date:2005年11月23日 (水) 09時33分

ive been checking this site forever and it hasnt been updated. what's happening?

[1179]Hello By:Sumomo

Date:2005年11月18日 (金) 06時00分

Hey Guys!Been awhile huh? x.x I've been busy lately sorry for not chekcing in every once in a while.

[1178] By:Kirika

Date:2005年11月09日 (水) 07時06分

Hey guys haven't been here for a while

[1177] By:Amaru

Date:2005年10月31日 (月) 19時58分

wow!You are cool!LOOK MY SITE:www.floricienta.csacska.gportal.hu
'cause this is a kurama-fan page!!Please write to me:kuramagirl@freemail.hu
Bye!Kurama forever!!!!!!!!

[1176] By:shithead

Date:2005年10月29日 (土) 18時14分

hehehe!!! nice site!!!

[1175] By:Chloe

Date:2005年10月26日 (水) 10時27分

Hello ^_^ I have a huge FF addiction right now v.v

[1173]YO !! By:Kitsune

Date:2005年10月21日 (金) 06時42分

hello peoples! long time no see! ^^

Hey ana, did u get my email about us becoming affiliates? I finished my website (http://dahokitsune.tripod.com/) and i would really like to become affiliates with you ^^ If not, i still have a link to you

Please let me know!

O yeah one more thing, there is a fanclub forum for kurama and kuronue available!! heres the URL, please join!!


thats all !


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