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[1171]i don't agree with the hiei and kurama pairing! By:darkearthmagic

Date:2005年10月16日 (日) 03時51分

It's wrong, they r only good friends 4 cring out loud!i mean jeez, can't friends b friends and not b labeled gay anymore?!


Date:2005年10月21日 (金) 06時39分
well duh they're only friends, everyone knows that, its just that they like to pair them up in their own fantasies. Its not like they believe its REALLY gonna happen XD

PS: i love that pairing XDDDD and the youko x kuronue one as well (which also makes more sense than the hiei x kurama one ^^)

I dont wanna start a heated debate, so lets just stay cool with this ok? ^^


Date:2005年10月26日 (水) 04時50分
Okay,that's fine...I personally just read a yaoi fan fic on fanfiction.net, and i like the Kurama and Karasu pairing....

Ok. Now I kinda like the Hiei and kurama pairing...I'm going agianst my own post! T.T' Well, okay...C ya!

[1170] By:Kirika

Date:2005年09月23日 (金) 23時35分

ohhhhhhhhh wow i love your picture kemi-chan

[1169]鞍馬!! By:Kemi-chan

Date:2005年09月18日 (日) 17時11分

私は鞍馬 を愛する! 可愛い 狐!! (^ ^)

[1168] By:kirika

Date:2005年09月18日 (日) 09時37分

:P how have you all been :P i haven't been here for ages bwahhaha more like 2 months at the most i think :P >:P bye *eats kurama's hair* >.<

[1167]GB-type post By:Tora

Date:2005年09月16日 (金) 08時58分

Hm. I agree with you in that I have nothing against homosexuality. (Regular love is...disturbing anyway...) I like Kurama+Hiei, though. Yeah. And as soon as I post this I'm gonna find a guestbook or something that I should've used...

[1165] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年08月29日 (月) 09時05分

im gonna have a kuronue page up on my site as well but i gotta fix it up >< gonna have pics and everything lol
yk and kuro are my bishies ^^ *hugs them*

[1162] By:Kirika

Date:2005年08月26日 (金) 09時47分

>< your icon doesn't even show up but its k ^_^ vist often and say ello :P

[1161]HI^^ By:Hincaru

Date:2005年08月24日 (水) 12時58分

Hi people, im new to the boards, and im sure I stick out with my non-kurama icon. but still

[1158]Icon switching By:Silvertail

Date:2005年08月04日 (木) 09時13分

Just changing my icons...


[1160]Is anyone there?By:Silvertail
Date:2005年08月13日 (土) 11時44分
Hello!!! Okay, anywho, does anyone know about Youko Kurama's best friend Kuronue? I no absolutely NOTHING about him! Can anyone tell me at least somehting?!?


Date:2005年08月29日 (月) 09時03分
i no everything about kuronue!! im serious!!! hes my second fav bishie!!!
what do you want to know?

[1157]Not enough sites against you-know-what By:Silvertail

Date:2005年08月04日 (木) 09時12分

Has anyone bothered to count how many sites there are against the whole pairings? There are actually about half of the total number that has pictures and fanfictions that involve the sick gay stuff. I've counted up to quite a high number and have noticed that there are not enough. Tell me, anyone, has anyone else bothered to count?


Date:2005年09月06日 (火) 08時18分
u probably cant find them cuz i burned them XDD i love the yaoi, i cant help it ^^


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