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[1155]Just a message By:Meredith

Date:2005年08月04日 (木) 08時53分

Hello members of YK.com! I would like to ask if anyone knows more about the youko than I do. Anyone know something unique that no one else knows? Except for the fact that it was his fault Yomi got blinded.


Date:2005年08月04日 (木) 08時58分
I have a question for everyone else: Which Kurama would you like better, the human or the youko? I personally choose the youko form. He's soo freaking gorgeous!


Date:2005年08月09日 (火) 08時57分
oh hello i'm alive and well and here to answer Silvertail..I personally can't choose because it'sd bad cause they're the same people. @.@ And now i'm confused myself....


Date:2005年08月29日 (月) 08時59分
youko kurama!!!
and i dont know if i know more about youko but once i get that page up on my website u can go look ^^'
nothings there yet but once i get the pages uploaded ill let you know ^^

is it ok if i link you ann?

[1154] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年07月30日 (土) 13時53分

darn.........then i could see u guys ^^ im gonna cosplay as Youko Kurama on the Saturday XD so ill be easy to find lol

[1153] By:Kirika

Date:2005年07月30日 (土) 09時45分

>.> i wish i could but no

[1152]ACEN By:Kitsune

Date:2005年07月28日 (木) 12時19分

thanks ana ^^
hey, anyone gonna go to ACEN next year? its an anime convention in the Midwest and im goin!! ^^

[1149] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年07月11日 (月) 09時52分

sorry i was just disapointed cuz i didnt win my crush over,,,,


Date:2005年07月18日 (月) 17時31分
*patpats* Here here, Kitsune-san~ c_c You'll find a better guy!!! (easier said than *done*, eh? hehe ~v~)

[1148] By:kirika

Date:2005年07月11日 (月) 09時44分

erm ok ^_^;;

[1147] By:Kitsune

Date:2005年07月08日 (金) 11時52分

............guys are such fucking asses...................

[1146] By:Kirika

Date:2005年07月08日 (金) 09時25分

karasu is ok hes just kinda freaky :P


Date:2005年07月04日 (月) 16時07分

Dude, you all need to get a grip about Kurama! KARASU IS TEH' BEST!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! *shot*

I'm sorry....

Actually, I used to love Kurama. But then he killed Karasu...and I was like..."AH...CRAP!! WHAT A ****!!!"

C'mon....why'd you do it, Kurama?!


Date:2005年07月05日 (火) 07時04分
*sighs* you would kill someone lie that too if you were a guy and another guy flirted with you thn said he wanted your pretty pelt or something like that.and I think he did him a favor cause now he don't have to deal witht hat evil jerk Toguro come on He was thinking it! Everyone was! even Bui!!!his own borther said he was pathetic and whimpy out loud! ok enough of that O.o karasue scares me anyway he gave me nightmares for a week considering I know a person with that attitude its not cool its anoying. 8look over at uncle* *shivers* ok i'm done with my meaning less rambling and no yelling please T.T


Date:2005年07月18日 (月) 17時32分
Because Karasu wanted to kill Kurama first? And Kurama wants to live? >_>;; So he has to kill Karasu so that he can live??
Simple logic, people! :3
But here here, I like Karasu ... he's cool... just freaky ... @_@

[1137] By:Kirika

Date:2005年06月24日 (金) 08時17分



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