
Reporting Bad People spamming unappreciated postings/emails

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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

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JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

* The below postings will be deleted.
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グローバルドア   Tokyo English Gateway
Informing bad people
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[2] Be careful with daniel! shooter - 2006/05/04(木) 17:02 -

be careful with the guy named "daniel".
he is not a native english speaker but pretends to be canadian, american, british as a native english speaker to get students. he doesnt teach english and bulldoze people.

[3] yup xnew - 2006/05/16(火) 19:42 -

Yup, he is sending emails with....



[4] we believe you daniel sucks - 2006/05/17(水) 11:23 -

i have no doubt daniel is a con artist. i am a man, but i have also ended up on his mailing list, ha ha! he's annoying, for sure.

the person making fake postings using daniel's name clearly seems more interested in attacking daniel than warning others. i am sure she has her reasons.

if i can give that woman some advice: the best thing you can do is stop making yourself look so crazy, otherwise people will think you are the trouble-maker rather than daniel. in that case, daniel would win. the best thing you can do is calm down, and understand there are many of us reading this website, and this warning has been posted about daniel. everyone can see it now, and know daniel is not to be trusted. your repeated fake listings are not helping anything.
あなたのウソ・アドは何も助けない。本当に。ダニエルよりあなたのイメージは悪くなる。誰もあなたを信じる事ができません。皆はウソを聞きたくない… あなたのウソも。このInform Bad Peopleページに何でものメッセージを書いても良いけど、ウソ・アドを書くはダメです。ダニエルを止める為に、もっと真面目にしてください。

in any case, i hope you find some peace about whatever he has done to you (and others).

[22] get lost daniel Purty - 2006/07/13(木) 17:47 -

dude he got like 10email addys...cant even send virus to each email address ha ha but on the real, you better kick him out, seriously. hes a fucked up jerk who loves to mess with japanese ladies...so yea yall betta recognise that notorious man, hes sick fo real.

[25] Much more than 10 email addresses! loser hunter - 2006/07/22(土) 08:50 - MAIL

Hi all,

Daniel has tons of email addresses! I pasted a link with a compilation of all the known ones so far.

If you receive a message from any of these, just IGNORE IT or, if you have time, COMPLAIN TO YAHOO BB (his Internet provider). The 2nd link has a model letter in Japanese.



Please help us get this predator out of Japan!

[31] HI CELIA - 2006/09/27(水) 08:07 - MAIL

hello to all I am a taste to belong to this group I am medicine student likes to walk to play enchants the mascots desire to know a boy whom she has of 25 to 28 years student or professional also desire to have friends to be able to learn but things of other countries thanks
atte celia

[178] Hi this i smy topic ontoniBeirutt - 2009/03/19(木) 11:54 - MAIL

Hi everybody in this topik i want to discuss with you ewerything that you want ! ))So lets begin!!


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