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[80]justin is really hot - 投稿者:alana nuhn

hey someone should really write justin back. he's very serious about japan, and he's very sexy. ladies...ladies...anyone....?

( 2002年04月25日 (木) 11時44分 )

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[79]sexxx - 投稿者:beck

i like japanese pussy..

( 2002年01月16日 (水) 00時26分 )

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[78]Just an American college boy - 投稿者:Brett The Molecular

I don't have much to say. I just have an infatuation with Japanese girls, and I think you're a real cute bird.
Have a nice day.

( MAIL 2002年01月12日 (土) 09時35分 )

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[77]HAHAHA sorry! - 投稿者:Justin

hehehehe sorry i left out some information!!

I am a very musical person because i play th piano, Saxaphone, and some other instruments. I also play in a Punk-Ska band. If any one knows who Less Than Jake is, we sound like them
i also really like to draw Anime!
so i just want to say again, this is a nice page, And PLEASE TALK TO ME!!!

look at our web site at www.1lastgrind.cjb.net
have a good day and send me a message!
bye bye!

( MAIL 2002年01月07日 (月) 11時59分 )

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[76]HEY TALK TO ME! ^_^ - 投稿者:Justin

My name is
justin Nuhn i am a student from Canada and i was just looking at your web site and it is very nice. I just wanted to say that some day i really really want to go to Japan, so if any one could talk to me or help me with language and information about Japan, you can talk to me OK!
if you have ICQ my number is 104140906
or if you have MSN messenger my contact is Sethnuhn@hotmail.com
i would like it very much if you all would talk to me!
i also have some pictures if you would like to see. So please Send me an Emai or message on ICQ or MSN and i will talk to you!
Oh yeah by the way! I am 16 years old! and i am a male

( MAIL 2002年01月07日 (月) 11時30分 )

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