【広告】Amazonにて人気の 日替わり商品毎日お得なタイムセール


【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所】が お届けする英語での星占いです。
★また、弊社の英語通信講座の皆様には、 日々の英語星占いの訳を課題にします。


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[61] 題名:www.alemprint.ru 名前:Patrickjolla MAIL URL 投稿日:2020年04月10日 (金) 16時36分


[60] 題名:最近の占い 名前:末次通訳事務所 MAIL 投稿日:2014年10月14日 (火) 13時16分


   ⇒⇒ ★これは、占いですが、占い自体に意味はないです。
   >>口語表現が多く、勉強になりますよ!! 占い自体に意図はないです:


ご遠慮なくご連絡ください。お申し込み fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jp


【Nov. 7th】


Sudden changes in your career situation may be in the air now.

★牡牛座:You feel so right and you have an answer to every question.

You may have a tremendous amount of energy to put into your
career or public life.

★蟹座:Put your talents and skills to use now.

★獅子座:You can get the communications flowing well again.

★乙女座:You could encounter a dare devil, macho man or a savage.

It is time to make a grand plan for your life and your life style.

★蠍座: It's going to be okay. You are protected. You are safe.

You need to experience the truth on your own, through direct experience.

★山羊座:Inertia will not be tolerated.

★水瓶座:Get your most important papers into a safe deposit box.

★魚座:Emotional issues are discussed to your advantage.




<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝
         【Nov. 16th】

★お羊座:Take more pride in your own moral code.

★牡牛座:The question is, Just how much can you assert yourself?

★双子座:Channel impulsiveness.


Your desire to act heroically can leave you without the strength
you need for practical matters.

★獅子座:Spend more time with distinguished people.

★乙女座:Arouse your native energy.

★天秤座:Before you act, check out how you feel.

★蠍座:Speak out and say what is on your mind.

★射手座:Double check the data. Fuss with details.

★山羊座:Take hope. Be optimistic.

★水瓶座:Responsibility is a key principle in your relationships now.

You are in a highly competitive situation where major efforts bring little rewards.

【Nov. 10th】

★お羊:You could be thinking about a new car.:

★牡牛:Competition and conflicts are a strong now.:

★双子:Let off some steam with physical activity.:

★蟹:Enjoy some one-on-one.

★乙女:Sexual overtures are possible.:

★天秤:You are feeling extra impatient and competitive.:

★蠍:Some quarrels and conflicts are possible.:

★射手:You are feeling more irritated than obliging.:

★水瓶:You are experiencing extra energy.:

★魚:Confidence and vitality are up.

★獅子:Willful go-getters are coming into your life now.

★山羊:Talk to yourself and say the kind of things that will
    help you to develop your confidence. 
【Nov. 8th】

★牡羊:Be prepared to enter a new realm.

You may experience cycles of unconventional action and sexual behavior.

Get away from people, places and things that are not any good for you.

★蟹:Get a piece of home exercise equipment and use it.

★獅子:You can pull off some major communications tricks.

★乙女:Touch base with a highly objective person.

★天秤:After some inner work, you can feel at peace.

★蠍:If you cannot trust yourself, who can you trust?

★射手:You need to rouse yourself to action, but may feel too weak.

★山羊:Make a concerted effort to listen to people.

★水瓶:Be imaginative. A cornucopia full of ideas are in the air.

★魚座:Feeling restless and uncertain, then you are in touch.

【Nov. 7th 】

★お羊座:Wisdom and knowledge come into prominence.

Stay on the look out but be prepared to make do with what you have.

★双子座:Channel impulsiveness.

★蟹座:Put your talents and skills to use now.

You could be involved in a passionate and even kinky escapade.

★乙女座:Married folks need to focus on your mate.

★天秤座:You can be the essence of elegance.

★蠍座: This is a touching time.

★射手座:Pick up the scent and go like the wind.

★山羊座:Competitive struggles are unavoidable for now.

★水瓶座:Your emotional need for intimate contact will be growing.

Do something big, tangible and different to improve your self image.


【Nov. 5th】

★射手座:Gather together with kindred spirits.

You better look deeply into the eyes of those you are
doing business with.

★魚座:It is time to fill in the details in your big plans.

★水瓶座:Re-evaluate your reputation and approach to intimacy.

★牡羊座:Your imagination is rich.

★牡牛座:It is time to recognize and work out some political,
social, economic and ethnic differences.

Flex your muscles. Get physical. Get into some competitive exertion.

★乙女座:Talk about mysticism and magic.

★蠍座:Expect greater energy to become available to you.

★蟹座:Spend money to purchase information.

★獅子座:It is best to be objective and detached.

Bring more of your personal force and radiance into your work place.



        英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝

[44] 題名:今日の英語星占い 名前:Ken Suetsugu 投稿日:2010年03月18日 (木) 10時07分


★お羊座: Escape from negative social influences.

★牡牛座:Have fun with your dearest friends.

★双子座:You need encouragement.

★蟹座  :Figure out a new theory for your own personal development.

★獅子座:You are ready to spend money on your own personal needs.

★乙女座:An extreme build up of energy is indicated.

★天秤座: Like a relay racer, you are in a place where you need
       to make the connections, make the exchanges, grasp,
       move it and pass it off.

★蠍座 :Playful activity is coupled with strong survival instincts.

★射手座:Find new ways to recycle.

★山羊座:Your ideas about what makes you worthwhile and attractive need re-examination.

★水瓶座:Give good news to people who fit into your long range plans and life time goals.

★魚座 :Test...do you love yourself the way you are right now?
      If not, change the way you view yourself.
      Get right in front of the mirror and repeat...I love myself the way I am now.

【Ken's Office】

[35] 題名:○2009年6月4日 英語星占い 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年06月04日 (木) 18時13分


★お羊座: Reliability and responsibility are keywords right now.

★牡牛座:Expect intense transformations in your home base.

★双子座:Personal appearance is highlighted now.

★蟹座 :Your certainty and commitment can feel clouded now.

★獅子座:You can identify, clarify and transcend bad family patterns now.

★乙女座:Patience and self-control are required now..

★天秤座:If you want to advance you need to sum up the situation quickly and act accordingly.

★蠍座 :Fraud and deception may not be your intention, so be careful of agreements that you make at this time.

★射手座:Now is not the time to be direct..

★山羊座:The force of your thought is strong today.

★水瓶座:Stay away from fake people.

★魚座 :You can reappraise what is available and possible.【Ken's Office】


[34] 題名: 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年06月03日 (水) 07時35分


Hi, there! 最近、ネタ元の情報と連絡が取れませんでしたが、


例1) This is our traditional dish. という場合、
    間違いでは有りませんが、 踏み込みが足りません。
   「伝統的な」ではなく、「昔ながらの」 「代々伝わる」
*これは、国語力、言葉の運用力 の問題ですね

 「この料理は、この地域で代々伝わる料理です」 ということですね
例2)Your own needs create some challenges in relationships. はどうでしょうか?  これは、次のとおりです



また、以下の 牡牛座: Others may be hot for you. は



★お羊座: A natural, earthy setting is favored.

★牡牛座:Others may be hot for you.

★双子座:You feel noble and are able to act with courage       and conviction.

★蟹座  :Do the most exuberant thing.

★獅子座:Get clear about your convictions..

★乙女座:Express yourself as you've never done before.

★天秤座:Self-reliance is now strongly favored.

★蠍座 :Your ethics will be tested.

★射手座:You may apply for license to be inventive,           innovative and experimental.

★山羊座:Let your ambition and your vision expand now.

★水瓶座:Love is coming to a pillow near you.

★魚座 :Do not expect the truth, the whole truth
      and nothing but the truth. People are
deceptive now.

【Ken's Office】

[33] 題名:○Mar. 19th 今日の英語星占い: 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL 投稿日:2009年03月19日 (木) 12時59分

○Mar. 19th 今日の英語星占い:

★お羊座:Long range trends are good.

★牡牛座:You can gain great power through great commitment.

You are ready to beautify yourself and are caught
between moderating influences and the desire to do something radical.

Urge people to get on with their own lives and allow for you to have yours.

★獅子座:Spiritual, devotional moments are favored now.

Anything good that you put out today will be returned seven-fold.

If you have been looking for a favor to be repaid, now is the time to collect.

★蠍座:Do more of the kind of work that you choose.
      Do it when you choose and where you choose.

First you must do your research, then you will need to point your finger.

★山羊座:You could be feeling restless and excited now.

★水瓶座:Find some heavenly inspiration.

★魚座:Keep moving. Keep taking one step after another. 

[32] 題名:○今日の星占いです。(3・16) 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年03月16日 (月) 10時41分



★お羊座: Get right to the point. Be sharp.
★牡牛座:There are strong indications of psychic powers at work.
★双子座:You do not have to struggle.
★蟹座  :Be flexible and relative.
★獅子座:Pay attention to undertones as well as overtones.
★乙女座:It is time to think for your self and question authority.
★天秤座:There is a sign of greatness and power.
★蠍座 :You could find yourself in the middle of an unforeseen crisis.
★射手座:Present your ideas in a setting that is guaranteed to bring positive feedback.
★山羊座:Natural settings and simple values work for now..
★水瓶座:You could be on the verge of an intense and unusual love experience.
★魚座 :When things are at their worst, take one step at a time.
【Ken's Office】

[31] 題名:○英語星占い 3月8⇒3月10日 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年03月09日 (月) 13時51分


Mar. 8th 今日の英語星占い
a) 全部、或いは、b)ご自身の箇所を和訳して下さい

★お羊座:Social activities are extra enjoyable.

★牡牛座:You can overcome pessimism and learn optimism.

★双子座:Carefully go over long range plans with the boss.

You could benefit through financial matters concerning antiques, real estate, your mother and women.

Cut back on extravagance before extravagance cuts back on you.

Anything good that you put out today will be returned seven-fold.

You can actually improve your love life by sprucing up your work environment.

★蠍座:You are moving into a better phase.

Another facet or two need to be brought out.
Polishing is also necessary.

★山羊座:Expect to get physical.

★水瓶座:Discipline, mastery and control are favored now.

Confidence can allow you to make a powerful impression at this time.【Ken's Office】


★お羊座:Circumstances will be changing radically.

★牡牛座:You can overcome pessimism and learn optimism.

★双子座:Apply science and technology to your problems.

★蟹座: You are about to get some recognition.

★獅子座:You could be in for a supernatural extravaganza.

Anything good that you put out today will be returned seven-fold.

★天秤座:Take some paperwork home.

★蠍座:The worst you fear will not come to pass.

You could be choosing between intense intimacy
and total isolation.

★山羊座:A new career path is about to open for you.

★水瓶座:Get clear about your convictions.

★魚座:Set aside your confusion and doubt. 



Understanding comes through play time. Make space for fun.

★牡牛座:You can overcome pessimism and learn optimism.

If you are sharp you will discover elusive
elemental forces.

★蟹座: You can make a good impression now.

Sleepwalking, daydreaming and lucid dreaming are possible.

★乙女座:Stay away from environmental contaminants.

Rather than hear what you want to hear, listen for the facts

Go hear a keynote speaker articulate the virtues of
a deliberate, meaningful existence.

Until you acquire the right executive skills, you'll never carve out the right niche.

★山羊座:Opportunity will arise suddenly.

★水瓶座:A deadlock is broken. Sort out differences.

You can influence others, but they can influence you too.

=====================【Ken's Office】

[30] 題名:○英語星占い 3/2-3 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年03月02日 (月) 07時46分

Mar. 2nd 今日の英語星占い

a) 全部、或いは、b)ご自身の箇所を和訳して下さい:

★お羊座:Soon you will have the opportunity you seek.

★牡牛座:If you are a lover you can get your fill.

Billions and billions of stars are shining for you.

You could benefit through financial matters concerning antiques, real estate, your mother and women.

★獅子座:Many years of sometimes arduous training will bring extraordinary results.

★乙女座:The answer is blowing in the wind.

★天秤座:Be free enough to express yourself.

★蠍座:Save your cross words for puzzles.

You are facing a massive task and face some kind of an ordeal.

★山羊座:It may time for you to go on a vision quest.

★水瓶座:Seize the moment with a new or renewed sense of vision and direction.

★魚座:Cherish is now your key word.

【Ken's Office】


Mar. 3nd 今日の英語星占い

a) 全部、或いは、b)ご自身の箇所を和訳して下さい:

★お羊座:Social activities are extra enjoyable.

★牡牛座:You can overcome pessimism and learn optimism.

★双子座:Carefully go over long range plans with the boss.

You could benefit through financial matters
concerning antiques, real estate, your mother and women.

★獅子座:Cut back on extravagance before extravagance cuts back on you.

★乙女座:Anything good that you put out today will be returned seven-fold.

★天秤座:You can actually improve your love life by sprucing up your work environment.

★蠍座:You are moving into a better phase.

★射手座:Another facet or two need to be brought out. Polishing is also necessary.
★山羊座:Expect to get physical.

★水瓶座:Discipline, mastery and control are favored now.

★魚座:Confidence can allow you to make a powerful impression at this time.【Ken's Office】

[29] 題名:○Feb. 27th 英語星占い 名前:【<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 末次賢治】 MAIL URL 投稿日:2009年02月27日 (金) 10時00分


Start by creating a more functional office space in your home.

★牡牛座:Do something about your nesting instincts.

To succeed you must be vigorous, intense and not intimidated.

★蟹座  :Make your contribution to show biz.

★獅子座:Try taking on the role of one of your heroes.

★乙女座:This is a very emotional time.

You can now attract folks who will help you to push your ideas and plans.

★蠍座 :
It is possible that you need a wider circle of friends.

Renew your religious and political insight. Rethink your ethics.

An old fashioned experience will leave you with plenty to think about.

★水瓶座:Make yourself socially useful.

★魚座:You are interested in discussing forbidden topics.


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