Looking for a serious girl friend/a boy friend!
* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special) |
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!! |
*Rules | ||
[5743] camahan luis rosales 2016/10/17/ 02:40
[5742] luis luis rosales 2016/10/17/ 02:38
[5741] Chicas japonesas Mayx 2016/10/16/ 17:35
[5740] Looking for a girl to visit Frank Jeagger 2016/10/04/ 02:03
[5738] Looking for serious boyfriend(27-45) Blueapple 2016/09/19/ 20:20 ┗ Hi Jose 2016/09/26/ 03:32
[5737] Looking for a japonese girl (17-24) Javier 2016/07/18/ 08:10
[5736] looking to settle down Chris 2016/06/07/ 03:37
[5731] looking for serious GF Tony 2016/02/14/ 09:00
[5730] Hi Uriana 2016/02/14/ 07:19
[5729] Special Woman Jordi 2016/02/07/ 19:24
[5728] Serious fellow search(40+,non−Japanese) Maruko 2016/01/11/ 11:57 ┗ Amistad Nemesio 2018/05/10/ 18:43
[5727] Looking for girlfriend Kingsley johnson 2016/01/02/ 16:35
[5726] I looling for girl friend yuuji 2015/12/22/ 00:14
[5725] I want a Japanese boyfriend Gika 2015/12/14/ 01:58 ┗ from japan japanesemale i am 2016/04/22/ 20:08 ┗ Love Taka Rehm 2017/01/19/ 00:09
[5723] Find girlfriend Nish 2015/11/24/ 01:28