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[303]My dream - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

一度でいいからグランシド シュミエールでデッサンしたかった私が、まるでフランスで時を過ごせたかのように楽しさを味わって、バイクにのったりお酒を飲んだりしている青年だった先生とハイタッチできたみたいなんです。



(2018年11月09日 (金) 08時51分)

[302]練馬区立美術館笠井誠一展 - 投稿者:mariko MAIL



(2018年10月30日 (火) 17時06分)

[301]wow! - 投稿者:mariko MAIL




「 ききかんり 」





(2018年10月01日 (月) 11時24分)

[300]Zingaro - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

Zingaro にのせて希林さん

虚飾なく 観客に媚びず 威張らず
何かを観せるのではなく その燃やした炎で見物人の魂を鎮めてしまう







(2018年09月27日 (木) 16時03分)

[298]rainbow - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

I bought ‘Miya Yoshihei drawing and working ‘ by chance when I went to see Fujishima Takeji exhibition at Nerima Museum last week.
I didn't know Miya Yoshihei when I saw cover self- portrait of his book.

I found beautiful rainbow in the evening sky yesterday.
This is first time I saw perfect arc rainbow.

What a good lucks happen for me.


(2017年08月09日 (水) 09時11分)

[297]baby bird - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

I was impressed deeply.
The TV drama starts with funny opening picture.
It was fifteen minutes every day drama in NHK.
Next morning I watched second story.
Keisuke kuwata start to singing
There are funny picture again on the television.
Peoples are walking around like aunt in beautiful scenery.
Next day the scenery starts again..
It makes me amaze.
What a wonderful imagination.
When I was watching NHK morning drama, I skipped opening sheen before.
Now I feel happy seeing that.
Third story finished with my tears.
Old days Tokyo Olympic atmosphere will be continue quietly.


(2017年04月10日 (月) 17時22分)

[294]Mame maki - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

My English teacher asked me in this morning.
“Are you going to throw beans tonight? “
“Of course I will do a Mame Maki, a bean-scattering ceremony.”
That reminds me a horrible dream one night.
A few days before I felt something happened in my late mother’s room on the first floor.
I went down the stairs.
There was my mother in her room moving.
I called her to go upstairs.
She came up stars and fell down on the second floor.
I saw her real dead body.
I talked this dream to my teacher Ms. Yuna.
“So tonight your mother will appear again.” she said to me.
“Yes, She will follow me saying give me some money please.”
“Ha hahahaha.” Yuna laughed with me.
“It’s not a Money Maki. It’s a Mame Maki.”
I taught her.
Hya hahaha.


(2016年02月04日 (木) 08時48分)

[293]Mrs. Yoshimura - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

I received a New Year’s card from Mrs. Yoshimura.
There was a message that she wanted to talk with me once in a while.
An idea occurred in my mind.
There was a painting of a nude woman that I wanted to see again after I found my old paintings in Sachan’s house few days ago.
Mrs. Yoshimura bought one painting long time ago.
When I send the painting to her house I make one parcel with another nude woman drawing as a present.
I am thinking if I could ask about the nude painting and I called her with courage.               She was pleased so much and talked friendly.
Then I asked about the nude painting. “Do you have it until now?”.
She said that she is keeping the painting.
She used the word “keep”.
I was very surprised and I was impudent to ask her to send it to me again.
Big package was delivered from Mrs. Yoshimura a few days later.
When I opened it I was surprised very much.
There were two paintings one is a nude drawing and another is a still-life painting
Those paintings were painted white and black.
I forget that I have sent another one to her.        
I remembered the painting clearly.
I drew it certainly.
These old black and white my drawings came back to my place fortunately.
The proportion of the upper part and the lower part of the nude model did not fit.
I wanted to draw her body in the canvas.
I have forced to draw the model in the canvas.
I noticed it but I did it...
I have sent those paintings and I ignore the feelings of Mrs. Yoshimura.
I couldn’t notice it at that time.


(2016年01月29日 (金) 10時09分)

[292]Sachi - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

“Sachan” is a childhood friend of my younger daughter Yuriko.
Today Yuriko came back to my house with my grandson.
We haven’t seen Sachi for a long time since we saw her the last time .
Yuriko and Sachi have spent eating lunch and chatting for long hours.
Then Sachi invites me to her mother’s house that is located near my house.
First I hesitate to come but I want to go and meet her mother
I was very surprised the moment I entered the entrance.
There was my painting in a frame hanging on the entrance wall.
Why is it my painting is here?
“Bikkuri ponya!!!” I said to mother of Sachi.
Then we went up to the second floor that is a living room.
Many things are decorated on the wide table in the corner of the room.
I was surprised again to see another two of my paintings on the wide table.
I remind it gradually how it came here.
It’s like this story.
When my house was under construction I should abandon my paintings in order to move to another house for a while.
I’ve heard Sachi likes my paintings.
I told her “I will present my painting if you want.”
One day Sachi and her mother came to my atelier and selected those paintings.
The family decorates my paintings for a long time until now.
I like these paintings very much though I forget about those paintings completely.
Now I knew how important these paintings for me.
I reminded one touch, one touch and last one tuoch.
I watch one flower in order to draw one petal.
I draw one flower in order to draw around the flower.
I put on the table flowers in a vase.
Sometimes I put western pears on the table covered with lace.
My eyes move on the surface of those things.
I divided the small space in front of me.
I was attracted by white lace, white petals, green skin of western pears, and other things.
I try to draw things like this in those days.
But now I was fascinated by high buildings, big trees, and long big cranes rising in the sky.
These things changed the atmosphere.
These things make some structure in front of me.
And those lines catch my interest at that moment.
In the morning,
In the rain,
Under the moon,
These things stimulate my mind grately.
And continue to think (sink) deeply.


(2016年01月11日 (月) 08時48分)

[291]SEMEI - 投稿者:mariko MAIL

Yuzuru Hanyuu is performing with mysterious sounds this season.

The theme music is “Onmyouji seimei”.

Ancient time musical instruments play noble tune.

That is called the court music of Japanese ”Gagaku”.

This back sound makes his skating more attractive, but natural.

Hanyuu parformed the four spin for three times in the free competition
and It’s so wonderful..

Every skate technique is hard and delicate.

A large audience is fascinated by his skating.

It’s a good chance that people all over the world can be able to know the Japanese
mysterious music “Onmyouji seimei”.

If people were fascinated by this sound there is possibility that they want to know how to make this sound.

Do you know Japanese classical instruments like Hitiriki , Taiko, Show, Biwa
and Fue.

There is a simple Japanese mind in the ancient tone.

This year Hanyuu expresses Japanese spirit deeply.

His performance has meaning more than skating.

I feel the dignity of the Japanese people.

Or it's might be a mystery of the universe.


(2015年12月14日 (月) 09時08分)
【広告】Amazon.co.jp コカ・コーラが最大20%OFF玄関までお届け開催中


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