【広告】Amazonにて人気の 日替わり商品毎日お得なタイムセール



[255] 掲示板休止 投稿者:schazzie (2007年06月18日 (月) 23時20分)
ご用の方は、schazzie club メインBBSまでお願い致します。

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[238] <不幸シリーズ>新刊 投稿者:schazzie (2003年09月02日 (火) 20時49分)
The Slippery Slope (Series of Unfortunate Events, 10)/Lemony Snicket (著), Brett Helquist (著)
U.S. 定価: $10.99
定価: ¥1,312
価格: ¥1,181
OFF: ¥131 (10%)
発売予定日は 2003/10/01 です。ただいま予約受付中です。
ハードカバー: 224 p ; サイズ(cm):
出版社: Harpercollins Childrens Books ; ISBN: 0064410137 ; 1st 版 (2003/10/01)

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[241] レモニー・スニケットが行方不明 投稿者:schazzie (2004年07月14日 (水) 17時49分)
出版社のハーパー・コリンズから、下記のようなメールが届いた。<不幸な出来事>シリーズの作者、レモニー・スニケットが行方不明だというのだ。私は、ハーパー・コリンズの Author Tracker で、日頃からスニケットの動向を追っているのだが、このようなメールが来たのは初めて!スニケットは一体どうしてしまったのだろう?

Dear Reader

We are sorry to inform you that Author Tracker has completely lost track of mysterious author Lemony Snicket. We have contacted all of his usual associates. We have peeked in the windows, portholes, and locks of his previous hideouts. We have called an Estelle Snicket in Kenora, Kansas, who we thought might have some information. But we have had no luck, and we fear that an unfortunate event may have befallen the faithful chronicler of the Baudelaire orphans. His latest findings are still scheduled to be published on September 21st in Book the Eleventh, THE GRIM GROTTO, and our last hope is that he will surface with the book.

In other alarming news, there are now reports that a major motion picture entitled Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is to be released this December. If you'd like to avoid learning more, don't click here.

If you see Mr. Snicket, act like you don't.

With all due respect,

HarperCollins Children's Books

なーんて、これはスニケット独特の「そろそろ新作が出るよ!」というサインなのだ。どうやら下の文中にもあるように、シリーズ11作目『THE GRIM GROTTO』が、9月(日本では10月)に出版されるようだ。



[251] Emma > これは最近の情報でしょうか? (2006年09月13日 (水) 15時17分)
[252] schazzie > 投稿の日付を見ていただければわかるように、2004年07月の情報です。
書き込みの鮮度は、投稿の日付でご判断ください。 (2006年09月14日 (木) 00時14分)
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[249] はじめまして 投稿者:Emma (2006年07月03日 (月) 18時43分)

[250] schazzie > こんにちは!ご質問にお答えします。

UNFORTUNATE CLUB (2006年07月04日 (火) 23時58分)
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[248] The Nameless Novel 投稿者:schazzie (2005年09月20日 (火) 17時52分)
Series Of Unfortunate Events 12 (Series of Unfortunate Events)/Lemony Snicket (著), Brett Helquist (イラスト)
外貨参考価格: $11.99
価格: ¥1,257 (税込)
OFF: ¥140 (10%)
ハードカバー: 352 p ; 出版社: Harpercollins Childrens Books ; ISBN: 0064410153 ; (2005/10)


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[247] Dear Reader 投稿者:schazzie (2005年08月19日 (金) 13時31分)

August 2005

Dear Reader

Less than eight weeks before the scheduled publication of Book the Twelfth in A Series of Unfortunate Events, Lemony Snicket and the title of his new book are still missing.
Tens of thousands of determined volunteers have joined the search at www.TheNamelessNovel.com. Every day, it seems a new clue, code, or challenge can be found.

This week, some investigators reported that enough evidence was now available to piece together what appears to be an actual page from Book the Twelfth. Volunteers everywhere are racing to reveal the truth for themselves. At least two have tripped over their shoelaces.

Now, a second mystery seems to be surfacing. It is impossible to say what crucial bit of information will be found next ・but it will almost certainly be extremely alarming.

We will continue to track developments at www.TheNamelessNovel.com, but you probably have less distressing things to do.

With all due respect,

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[246] Secret Message 投稿者:schazzie (2005年07月28日 (木) 17時52分)

and not a moment before!
TO: The Editor

FROM: Mme. Ladfern

SUBJECT: Book the TwelFth by Lemony Snicket

Dear Sir,

My associates have infoRmed me of your desire to lOcate an iMportant piece of informaTion regarding tHe latest reseArch conducted by Lemony Snicket.

I need not Tell you how distresSing I find this situAtion; I’m sure you remember the seconD to last time we met for teA. As my Gracious sistEr said, “Of course artificial sweeteNer is unaccEptable!”

Mr. Snicket’S work hAs always been Drab and Problematic, and it always will be.

You should probAbly look for somethinG else.


Mme. Dalfern

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[245] NEWS 投稿者:schazzie (2005年02月15日 (火) 18時30分)

February 2005

Books by Lemony Snicket are like Cupid's arrows, because they are painful and cause tremendous heartbreak for millions of people. So, this Valentine's Day, be sure not to share the books in A Series of Unfortunate Events with anyone you care about, except perhaps your arch nemesis, your substitute teacher, or both.

In fact, now would be a good time for you and your alleged loved ones to begin planning your escape. The Ominous Omnibus, a single volume containing the first three books in Lemony Snicket's cheerless series, is arriving in bookstores March 29th. It promises to be one of the heaviest tomes ever published, an expression which here means it will weigh several pounds and cause hours of weeping. Your friends at AuthorTracker understand completely why you would want to avoid it at all costs.

With all due respect,

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[243] 「レモニー・スニケットの世にも不幸せな物語」 投稿者:schazzie (2005年01月13日 (木) 23時06分)
レモニー・スニケットの<世にも不幸な物語>(A Series of Unfortunate Events)が、ついに映画になります!あの意地悪なオラフ伯爵は、ジム・キャリー?ともあれ、乞ご期待!

-製作年度: 2004年
-製作国・地域: アメリカ
-上映時間: −
-監督: ブラッド・シルバーリング
-製作総指揮: アルビー・ヘクト 、ジュリア・ピスター 、スコット・ルーディン 、バリー・ソネンフェルド 、ジム・ヴァン・ウィック
-原作: レモニー・スニケット
-脚本: ロバート・ゴードン
-音楽: トーマス・ニューマン
-出演もしくは声の出演: ジム・キャリー 、メリル・ストリープ 、ジュード・ロウ 、エミリー・ブラウニング 、リーアム・エイケン

Movie Trailer
●A Series of Unfortunate Events 「UNFORTUNATE CLUB」 The Misterious World of Lemony Snicket

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[242] Dear Readers 投稿者:schazzie (2004年11月24日 (水) 20時25分)
If you know anything at all about the month of November, you know it is usually filled with worrisome things, including slippery autumn leaves, blustery windstorms, warm pumpkin pie, and ill-fated turkeys. This November is turning out to be one of the worst on record.

Help is nowhere in sight. Mr. Snicket continues to elude the noble volunteers at AuthorTracker, even as both the unnerving holiday season and the release of the film Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events are fast-approaching. Some say that the books based on the movie, including The Ponderous Postcards, The Puzzling Puzzles, The Pessimistic Posters and Behind the Scenes with Count Olaf, make the best gifts. Others say these books make the best gifts for your worst enemies.

By all accounts, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events will be the most alarming cinematic spectacle since The Wizard of Oz or your graduation from second grade, a long-winded description which here means 土ou only have until December 17th to plan your trip to some fortunate place where Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is not playing. Hurry!

With all due respect,

Harper Collins Publishers

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