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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

Wanna make New friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?

JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

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グローバルドア   Tokyo English Gateway
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[258] Pilou 2014/01/27/ 09:17
[254] 社会的地位の高い人? ある日本人2012/08/31/ 12:10
[249] 社会的地位が高い職業の外国人であっても気をつけて! 日本人女性2012/05/02/ 23:12

┗ ??S君2012/06/02/ 11:32

┗ カナダ人の男はセコイnana2012/06/14/ 06:41
[241] (削除) システムメッセージ1970/01/01/ 09:00

mike2011/07/06/ 17:37

┗ rightmaed2011/07/07/ 17:57
[236] BE CAREFUL WITH THIS GERMAN 由美2011/05/10/ 15:00

┗ othervikki2011/06/16/ 02:23
[235] Nana2011/03/15/ 19:01
[234] looking for gf ayman2011/02/17/ 17:59
[233] Again Baka_Michael2010/07/27/ 04:42

┗ daniel againdaniel brennar, michael rosewell2013/07/14/ 13:10
[232] Be Careful with this Yankee! Jeremy ジェラミー 2010/07/24/ 05:30
[227] Beware of this person! Michael2010/05/12/ 13:31

┗ what's his job?mk2010/06/06/ 21:02

┗ oh no!gogo2010/06/06/ 22:41

┗ photosmk2010/06/10/ 21:07

┗ Where is he come from?Papillon2010/07/07/ 14:16

┗ lolLoop2011/06/07/ 02:25



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