Hello! みんなさん,こんにちは!
I am a handsome, positive good doing fit Western man in good age, prime of life
who is interested in building up new friendships.
How about enjoying in our free times some meaningful or fun times together?
When we would meet up first time we can find out what interests, topics can fit us.
Based on this we can meet up and spend some enriching time - with much can , no must.
I am mostly interested in fruitful crosscultural exchange, dive into sports, culture...,
enjoy adventure, fun and passionate exploration time but also relaxing, inspirational, recreation leisure time.
I am open-minded, international gentleman with much good passion and positive energies.
In Japan I like among others Japanese language,rotenburo, good fun times...
Let´s meet up and enjoy. I believe we will like it and spend great times!