Looking for a serious girl friend/a boy friend!
* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special) |
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!! |
*Rules | ||
[5672] foriner friend ゆき 2014/08/20/ 01:02 ┗ Hi yoki andy 2014/08/30/ 09:21
[5670] Looking for GF to learn Japanese and hang out Nick 2014/08/13/ 23:18
[5669] (削除) システムメッセージ 1970/01/01/ 09:00 ┗ Hi andy 2014/08/14/ 10:24
[5668] my kakaotalk is green5tea1111 SJ 2014/08/04/ 12:51
[5667] Seeking Serious Girlfriend in Kansai JEBB 2014/08/03/ 23:08
[5666] I'm 28 years old Japanese girl. chacha 2014/08/03/ 22:20 ┗ looking for serious man and go dinner yuka 2014/08/25/ 23:59
[5664] hello ko 2014/07/20/ 13:59
[5663] So fun in summer without going to the beach Ricky 2014/07/16/ 00:33
[5662] hello yuki 2014/07/10/ 21:27
[5660] Romantic Eri 2014/07/02/ 22:19 ┗ Hi Ben 2014/07/03/ 06:34
[5659] Looking for a companion indyboy 2014/07/01/ 17:52
[5658] Looking for a girl friend who can speak English! Yuki 2014/06/30/ 17:04
[5657] are you romantic? ray 2014/06/29/ 10:32
[5656] my kakao talk is carmen84 carmen 2014/06/25/ 04:46
[5655] Wanna meet you Ram. Thapa 2014/06/24/ 00:36