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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

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JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

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[61] Brycon Bryce Fraud? Gunny - 2007/03/14(水) 09:16 - MAIL

Brycon or Bryce Who is Responsible for aviation/engineering Fraud
WOW its amazing hay let an imbecile like Sean Flanagan work on an airplane I wonder what his repair station number is? Or does he have one. Call him and ask him. Cell: 443-463-0354 It is against the, to law to advertise aviation repair station without a repair station license. In the event no one calls I will be calling the FAA. I think that Sean Flanagan should post the cad drawing of his rotary forming machine it would look really cool with all the surfaces and gearing. You will not find any repair station number or any cad drawings because he doesn’t have any of the above. Or any clue on how to make them. But we will continue to post on the uneducated self proclaimed engineering skills of Sean Bryce Flanagan. Ask For His Education Portfolio. I will be working on a news letter with my daughters to expose the fraud of Sean Flanagan AKA Bryce Engineering. Thief, adulteress, sexual predator Etc.

AKA Big Jim


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