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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

Wanna make New friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?

JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

* The below postings will be deleted.
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- Dyslogistic Postings
グローバルドア   Tokyo English Gateway
Informing bad people
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[51] find him and his bitch!! hopeless2007/02/01/ 17:29

┗ I'm sorryosaka2008/02/24/ 23:28

┗ INFONocturne Destroyer2009/06/25/ 20:30
[45] Edward or Daniel? poppins2006/12/26/ 15:21

┗ Edward or Daniel? and Christpher!!annie2007/02/07/ 22:32
[39] Bryce Engineering Bryce Engineering2006/12/10/ 07:15

┗ Bryce EngineeringAngry Bear2006/12/28/ 09:53

┗ Bryce Engineering FactsBig Jim2007/03/04/ 07:14

┗ pedifileRon2007/03/07/ 05:58

┗ Brycon?Gunny2007/03/08/ 07:43

┗ Brycon ?? Whats UpGunny2007/03/08/ 07:45

Kevin T2009/03/27/ 04:49

Kevin T2009/03/27/ 04:54

┗ Apply Online For a ApplyCreditCards2009/05/28/ 18:59

┗ Apply Online For a KrisBelucci2009/06/02/ 12:57

┗ Apply Online For a Kelly Brown2009/06/13/ 04:57

┗ Thanks for interestKonstantinMiller2009/07/07/ 02:55

┗ Bad Credit Personalinceniafoexqwabiop2009/07/24/ 15:59
[36] このヒトは要注意 HA2006/10/28/ 12:17
[21] weapon36@yahoo.co.uk (PRINCE ATTUMBU, CHARLES ARYEETEY, etc) x2006/07/04/ 14:41
[9] No E-Mails to "Midori"/"Windy Me"! Edward2006/06/17/ 15:12

WindyMe2006/06/17/ 18:23

┗ Unlless . . .Edward2006/06/25/ 13:54

┗ dear edwardtommy2006/06/30/ 10:40

┗ edward has mental troublesWindyMe2006/06/30/ 22:58

┗ spuy emprqyalcxhmlenz ericmhdqb2006/08/19/ 09:03

┗ Who listens to what music?musicliket2006/12/04/ 07:41

┗ iduf dqaehonlmpwcrt fqevrdplh2006/12/23/ 23:18

┗ vbdwm bcygeiwgfxklzh udcq2007/03/10/ 20:40

┗ UnknownVilyambs2007/08/02/ 18:06

┗ Unknownbalabo_mh2008/03/28/ 06:34
[7] Be careful from janet kenjo ! johnny2006/06/16/ 23:10
[6] Edward WindyMe2006/06/14/ 02:56

┗ Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha!Edward2006/06/17/ 14:18

┗ edward is stupid and jerkWindyMe2006/06/17/ 18:25

┗ sex maniacTaku2006/06/17/ 22:51

┗ Dumb SchmuckEdward2006/06/25/ 13:51

┗ edwars has mental troublesWindyMe2006/06/30/ 22:59

┗ cumdeiot spkfwgnmpwdjzeag epjm2007/01/30/ 21:03
[5] Don't go to Penang, Ferringhi beach. Honest girl2006/06/02/ 02:23

TerriableThailand2006/12/24/ 22:22
[2] Be careful with daniel! shooter2006/05/04/ 17:02

┗ yupxnew2006/05/16/ 19:42

┗ we believe youdaniel sucks2006/05/17/ 11:23

┗ get lost daniel Purty2006/07/13/ 17:47

┗ Much more than 10 email addresses!loser hunter2006/07/22/ 08:50

┗ HICELIA2006/09/27/ 08:07

┗ Hi this i smy topicontoniBeirutt2009/03/19/ 11:54


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