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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

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JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

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[4568] questions about the environment Yukina - 2014/05/29(木) 18:57 -

I am doing a survey about the environment at class of university.
I have to interview to ten foreign people.
If you had time, please answer the following questions.

1.Can you imagine what the way to make the electricity is the most famous in the world?

2.How many ways to make the electricity in your country?

3. Do u agree with nuclear power?

4.Do you economize on power?

5.Do u know the ozone layer decrease year by year?

6.What kind of ecology movements do in your country?

7.To defend the environmental destruction what should we do?

8.Do you really worry about environmental pollution?

9.Do you think that it needs to put on the garbage can in the public place?

10.In Singapore there is an ordinance against litering.
Do you think about it?

11.What do you think about collection of garbage by type?

12.Do you know the existence of environmental tax?

Thank you for reading.

[4569] about the environment litat wong - 2014/06/09(月) 22:52 - MAIL

Hi I from Malaysia, now staying Kyoto. I was interesting green building study.so I've been attended the course before. just try answer for your questions.

1. Build a city completely clean electricity.

2. Maybe 4 ways, by petrol, biomas, dam and solar.

3. No nuclear. debris have no place to throw them.

4. Yes,

5. Yes,

6. In Malaysia, government is encourage of green commercial, and campaigned everywhere to educate the citizen.

7. My opinion, can be delay environment deconstruction by environment friendly goods or housing.

8. Very worry

9. You mean dustbin? I disagree to have dustbin in public area except of commingle bin.

10. Yes, must have

11. Agree. Japan is doing well.

12. No idea.

[4592] Answer to your survey Francois - 2015/03/27(金) 07:32 -

1.Can you imagine what the way to make the electricity is the most famous in the world?-> electricity is not the right target. electricity is produced by oil, sun, atom, wind, geothermic, water,.. if electricity is promoted and if it is produced by oil, nothing will be solve.

2.How many ways to make the electricity in your country? -> oil, coat, nuclear, solar, water, wind, trash burn

3. Do u agree with nuclear power?-> yes

4.Do you economize on power?-> i try

5.Do u know the ozone layer decrease year by year?-> yes

6.What kind of ecology movements do in your country?-> mainly taxes, subventions, information

7.To defend the environmental destruction what should we do?-> remove mankind.

8.Do you really worry about environmental pollution?Z-> yes

9.Do you think that it needs to put on the garbage can in the public place?-> no.

10.In Singapore there is an ordinance against litering.
Do you think about it?-> ordonances are efficient only if strong penalties are applied. is it the case?

11.What do you think about collection of garbage by type?-> it is good if after garbage are not mix together. separate garbage by type st home and collect them in same trash truc has no meaning.

12.Do you know the existence of environmental tax?-> yes


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